- Services of the Office of Project Management by providing a platform for large-scale projects or medium, in the case in which several organizations might be involved in order to provide an integrated approach in the management of their
- Facilitating the high level group on the acquisition of international by providing advice on the development and marketing of products
- Facilitating access to other forms of capital
- Consultancy in the preparation of applications by EU and public funds Romanian
- Consultancy in eco-innovation
- Advice on environmental legislation
- The creation of opportunities for collaboration with suppliers of services and equipment in the field environment
- Facilitating access to research infrastructure in the environmental field-laboratory, a collective of specialists, etc.
- Consultancy in organizational development
- Consultancy in strategies for development and marketing of products
- Monitoring opportunities on public tenders, on the basis of the interest of each member, in Romania and the EU member states.
- Consultancy in preparation for the submission of tenders for the development of the consortia, as well as in disputes related to public tenders
- Facilitating internationalisation by identifying business opportunities through partners CLEMS
- Providing a channel of advertising and marketing of products and services to the members (on the basis of pre-approval for each individual item)
- Consultancy for event management
The main functionality of the cluster is to ensure the facilitation of the interaction based on interests between the various interested parties along the value chain of the sector of eco-innovative. This is done in accordance with the framework established by the General Assembly of the CLEMS, this translates into equal opportunity, fair treatment and a positive approach. More specifically, CLEMS facilitates the formation of working groups on the basis of the strategic objectives of its members, through which participants interested in contributing to the achievement of a portfolio of projects and / or activities implemented. Exception cases in which intellectual property and business related information are protected by confidentiality agreements, signed by all parties prior to involvement in the initiatives. The working groups are set freely by at least 3 member organisations of the CLEMS based on an interest / joint project. The structure of the working groups shall be dissolved or transformed with a new objective to the proposal of the members of the CLEMS. The working groups are calate on:
- Integrated systems of treatment and water treatment plants
- Advanced technologies for sludge treatment and recovery
- The integrated management of the resources of recyclable materials and waste from the perspective of circular economy
- Environmental technologies for improving degraded /contaminated soils and the decontamination of polluted sites
- The design and realization of eco-materials with controlled properties for solutions of improvement of the comfort of the urban exterior and interior
- The development of alternative energies and increasing energy efficiency in the urban environment
- Intelligent systems for monitoring, analysis and assessment of the quality of environmental factors
- Disaster management
- Other areas of interest for the cluster’s members.
Processes general implementation are coordinated by the executive management. In some cases, participation in the project / activity is conditional to the allocation of resources in the preparation phase. In other words, priority is given based on the commitment of resources prior to any of the members of the CLEMS. As a general rule, all activities are initiated, directed and sustained (with resources) by the member organisations through their representatives.
CLEMS don't generate projects for individuals or legal entities non-member. CLEMS generates and implements projects for its members (for the most part, in collaboration with other members), by mobilising the network of the cluster, funding opportunities, visibility and the trust they enjoy, the knowledge shared and strategic alliances.
CLEMS not running an idea proposed by a member or a working group, if there is a clear action plan, which identifies the way in which resources are mobilised (including budget) to support the initiative. The executive team does not have the resources available for all ideas of the members.
CLEMS does not act as a sales agent for members, except in situations where the project/product/service is initiated and funded by some members.
CLEMS don't usually offer the projects, but rather integrated projects at larger scale in the case in which the direct beneficiaries may be the member organisations. However, CLEMS should be able to bid on certain projects internally, which requires the expertise of the members of the cluster. Your organization will benefit from the advantages offered by a cluster, as long as the objectives of your institution correspond with the objectives of the CLEMS, through resources, in the case in which the participation of a single entity is either ineligible or the organization's resources are not sufficient.
Not all projects that CLEMS they carry out are of interest to all members. Participation in or benefits of the project are determined by:
- The interest and involvement of the representatives or other resources of the organization
- Allocation of resources the previous (for the preparation phase of the projects, priority is given to those who have allocated such resources)
- The internal competition when the potential resources of the project are less than the interests shown (the rules are established together by the potential participants)