CLEMS offers for information or publishing articles, the journal ECOTERRA - Journal of Environmental Research and Protection (ISSN printed 1584 - 7071, ISSN electronic 2248-3128). This is a quarterly magazine edited, starting with the year 2004, by the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (SNSIM), together with S. C. I. C. P. E. BISTRITA S. A., and with the FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, University "Babeş-Bolyai" university of Cluj-Napoca.
In the magazine are accepted to be published, in English:
- original works in the fields of: engineering sciences, life sciences and earth, biotechnology, environmental science.
- notes on reviews, national and international scientific events (symposiums, expeditions, etc.), commemorations of some personalities of science.
- articles synthesis of the specific areas of the magazine. The editorial board comprises 70 members from 12 countries.
The journal is indexed in the following databases:
- Index Copernicus
- Serials Solutions
- Ulrichs Periodicals Directory
- CABI Global Health
- CABI CAB Abstracts
- Google Scholar, Academic
- Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals (DAIJ)
- InfoBase Index